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Web3D 2012 – Deadline Extended

30.03.2012 Uncategorized

The 17th ACM International Web3D Conference will address a wide range of research topics related to Web-based 3D graphics (like X3D/ X3DOM/ Dec3D). The Conference will be held in Los Angeles in conjunction with SIGGRAPH 2012 on August 4-5, 2012.

The full call for papers is at
Extended paper/poster submission deadline: April 16th, 2012

New X3DOM browser check

14.03.2012 Uncategorized

We have updated our browser check page. You will now be presented with more detailed help an further instructions of how to update in case your browser does not support X3DOM.

Large CH-Model Showcase

12.03.2012 Showcase

The EU funded Project 3D-COFORM ( provides different tools and expertise for 3D collection formation. The project utilizes the binary compression method of X3DOM to visualize large 3D scanned data sets (up to 4 million polygons) in real time.

“These models have been digitized and provided by the Victoria & Albert Museum in London (

x3dom goes CeBIT

01.03.2012 Uncategorized

We have an official spot at the Software Cluster booth (Hall 26, booth F30) and demo the latest and features!

Come by to see some interesting demos, talk to the developers and chat about idea, design and implementation issues you have. Look out for the white multi-touch table!
