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X-Mas Greetings with X3DOM

26.12.2014 Uncategorized

Fraunhofer IGD uses X3DOM / POP-Buffer this year for their first 3d digital x-mas card!

X-Mas car

X-Mas card

X3DOM 1.6.2 Released

18.12.2014 Release

As a special holiday gift, we are happy to announce the release of X3DOM 1.6.2! We would like to thank all users and, of course, all the contributors, that make X3DOM such a great project.


New Features

    • Add SplinePositionInterpolator
      Thanks to ankit1089, Toshiba Corporation
      Example here



Fixes and Enhancements




    •  CORS improvements
      Thanks to sharian


  • … plus a lot of smaller fixes and enhancements by the X3DOM core team and the X3DOM community 

Grab the frozen 1.6.2 version here. The cutting-edge development version (nightly build of git head) can be found here.
