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VR on the Web with X3DOM and Google Cardboard

29.09.2014 Uncategorized

We are happy to see the first X3DOM Demo running on a Google Cardboard VR device, using a regular Nexus 5 smart phone. Many thanks to Manuel Olbrich for providing this demo, which is solely built with standard browser technology – no external services are necessary. Check it out here.


SplinePositionInterpolator node support

26.09.2014 Uncategorized

We are glad to announce that colleagues from Toshiba have just provided an implementation of the SplinePositionInterpolator node, which is already available in the current development version of X3DOM.


Check out the example here!

iOS8 and IE11: Browser support updated

19.09.2014 Uncategorized

We just updated our browser support page to include the recent changes with Safari on iOS8 and IE11 on Win7/Win8. The intermediate solutions (such as Chrome Frame) are not necessary any more and both have great support for WebGL natively. 2014 is really a great year for WebGL based system and we have come a long way in five years!Screen Shot 2014-09-19 at 14.18.28

